No-Rise Evaluation for Plot 2 Estate Golden Rock

Services Provided: Tysam Tech conducted a No-Rise evaluation for a proposed gas station expansion in Estate Golden Rock, St. Croix, USVI. The project aimed to assess potential floodplain impacts and ensure compliance with FEMA regulations.

Scope of Work:

  • Floodplain Impact Assessment: Conducted pre- and post-development calculations to verify that the expansion would not increase flood levels.

  • No-Rise Certification: Ensured that the project met FEMA’s No-Rise requirements, confirming no adverse effects on the surrounding floodplain or floodway.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Provided a comprehensive evaluation report in accordance with FEMA and local floodplain management standards.

The project facilitated responsible development by ensuring that the gas station expansion would not negatively impact flood conditions in the area.